The various modules of BlueKanGo produit

BlueKanGo Analysis of CSR requirements

Analysis of CSR requirements

This is the first structuring stage in the CSR process, and includes the identification and inventorying of issues through various diagnostics,
then sampling and consultation of all Stakeholders (PP), as well as Governance, to arrive at the simple materiality matrix.

BlueKanGo Audit & Inspection management

Audit & Inspection management

Internal and external audits, frequent and essential, require great rigor. However, they can be tedious. Reduce the time spent on your audits by 50% with BlueKanGo and its solution tailored to the field.

BlueKanGo Risk prevention plan

Risk prevention plan

Co-activity is the source of numerous risks, and in some cases, workplace accidents. The Prevention Plan plays a crucial role in prevention and the necessary measures to be taken. Secure your sites and construction sites with BlueKanGo and its dedicated module.